
Letter of Introduction

My name is Karley, I am 15 years old, and I am a freshman at BHS (Bedford High School). My favorite color is blue, I love to hang out with my family and friends, I am an aunt of three, I have a brother and a wonderful sister and brother-in-law, and I love to sing, listen to music, and make youtube videos. I am very quiet most of the time but other times I am very loud, silly, and random. I am creating this portfolio for my online b class at my school for a career project. Like I said, I love to make youtube videos. As of now, May 2011, I currently have over 10,500 uploaded views and over 7,800 channel views. Uploaded views are how many times people have watched my videos, channel views are how many times people have gone to my channel. It is better to have more uploaded views than channel views because that means that people are actually watching your videos. I also have around 54+ subscribers, which are people who look forward to seeing my new videos and who would like to keep in touch with me to know when my new videos are being uploaded. The videos I make are just music videos: lyrics, pictures of the artists, etc. I hope you have a good day and thankyou for visiting my site! (: <3